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Sharpening & Repair Service


SHUN Sharpening & Repair Service

This service is available for all Sun knives shown on our Australian website regardless of where you purchased the knife.

If your knife is not shown on our website we cannot offer this service.

If this is for general sharpening, accidental damage repairs and knife/knives deemed to have been misused. 

The price for sharpening and repair will be $10 per knife. Postage will be charged to you $14.95 for both shipments – a total of $29.90.

The knife sharpener comes every Wednesday. You knives will be sent back out to to you the following Friday at the latest.

Using our Australia Post reply paid service you can pack up your knife safely for shipping and send it through Australia Post to us for repairs and sharpening and then we will send it back to you.

We have a professional knife sharpener visit our Head Office every Wednesday who completes all knife inspections, sharpening and repairs.

Click Here To : Download the Shun Reply Paid Sharpening Information Sheet.

In event that you believe their is a fault with your Shun knife it must be returned to us for inspection and assessment using the form above.

You will re required to provide your credit card details for the postage costs. 

Packing Your Knives:

Some of the packages that show up in our Warranty Department for service are frightening. There are packages with blade tips that have pierced the cardboard box and are lying in wait for the next person who picks them up. There are boxes with great jumbles of knives just rattling around in them, cutting into each other. With just a little care, this doesn't have to happen to your package. Remember that even a dull knife can be dangerous and follow these easy tips for safe packing:


Tip #1: Sheath or wrap fixed-blade knives and kitchen knives—If the knife has a sheath, place it in its sheath. If not, wrap it in a tea towel, several layers of newspaper or bubble wrap, making sure to fully cover the tip. If you are returning more than one knife, wrap each knife individually, and then wrap them all together so that they won't roll around in the box, possibly causing damage to the blades or handles.

Tip #2: Fill your box with packing material—such as packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or newspaper. Place a layer of packing material in the bottom of your shipping box. Then place the knives on top of the filler and, finally, add another layer of filler on top of the knives.

Tip #3: Include a copy of your completed Warranty & Sharpening Request Form (and keep a copy for yourself). Then close and tape your box according to shipper recommendations.

Tip #4: Include a copy of your completed Service Form (and keep a copy for yourself). Then close and tape your box and drop off at Australia Post with the reply paid details written on the outside of the carton.